Wednesday, April 1, 2009

New World Order

It won't surprise me if you have heard of this idea before. Many people have been arguing about it for years, and most have been labeled as conspiracy theorists. As the years pass though, the idea of a New World Order seems to have gained traction. For a quick update, reference the quotes by our recent presidents in this blog:

Please note that I am not endorsing Mr. Baldwin's opinion. I simply want to use the references to quotations by the Presidents and such to show that the concept of a NWO is being thrown around by very influential people and not just a backwater conspiracy theory. Please do your own research to validate things in your own mind.

So, what do you really think? Is the planet on the path to a world government and currency? More than that, if we are, is it a good or bad thing?

I have never been one to jump to conclusions. There is ample evidence to support that political leaders are considering the advance of a world currency (a topic at this G20 meeting by the way) as well as the possibility of a world government. I'll even believe that many of them view the UN as a vehicle for this government, and the IMF as a larger version of the Federal Reserve. It's not that hard to believe in politicians wanting the ability to tax and regulate the planet since they have never been app to pass on the opportunity to gain power in the past. In summary, yes I believe that many prominent people have at least considered moving towards a one world government. That was the idea behind the League of Nations and the UN.

What I am not ready to say is that all of these politicians and bankers are in on some conspiracy together to bring it about. I'll bet that Bill Clinton would love to see a NWO, with him as president (or king), but does he want to see it with Bush as the head? For trade purposes it is not surprising that China wants a super currency, but won't Britain ultimately oppose it for the same reasons they held out against the Euro? Make no mistake, not all of these people are working together. I'll fall back on simple economics to explain the push for the NWO as I see it from here.

In the last 200 years the world's economies have become much intertwined. A recession in the US generally will affect everyone, and the result has been forums on issues with the entire world participating to express their concerns. To continue to compete economically Europe formed the EU, much in the same framework as the Articles of Confederation were formed. Because banks and markets in one country can now affect another with the touch of a few buttons, via the great expanse in technology the last few decades, calls for standard regulations across borders have become common. It's very feasible for a company to move from one country to another to avoid taxes or to find a low cost workforce. Naturally that has lead to pleas for standard minimum wage laws and regulations to 'even the playing field’. All in all, I see the NWO as a natural progression of the economy and political pressure. We started with lowering trade barriers, we continue by developing a common currency, and we end with common regulation. That is not a conspiracy theory, but the culmination of the powers that be responding in very human ways to our problems, and advances in technology. George Soros doesn't need secret meetings to push the NWO, it’s happening anyway.

We are left with the decision of whether or not to support the NWO, and then how to go about our decision thereof.

I personally choose not to support it. The truth is that it offers no real benefit to the United States people. We do have industry tycoons and bankers and such that can profit from it for various reasons, but most Americans would simply face higher taxes and more regulations, and worse it would be imposed by elected officials from countries where we have no control. Those things I oppose. I oppose the loss of sovereignty. I have no wish to see control of our rights ceded to the UN or any other organization. I don't want more regulation and higher taxes, regardless of the source. I want the US to serve as an example of how a country should be run, not to serve as the welfare supporter of a NWO. We need to oppose the NWO at all levels, and we can do so by supporting legislation to strengthen our individual rights as laid out in the constitution, and by limiting the power of the government to tax us by passing the FairTax plan. Money is ultimately the power of government, and we need to be mindful to prevent any NWO, or our own local, state, and federal governments from taking too much of it.

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