Monday, April 21, 2008

Campaign update

There has been a step in the right direction. During the last Republican Senatorial convention I made contact with several people that are currently influencing the political landscape. Just as important was that the platform was succesfully defended in all the major areas. The Texas Republican Party Platform is a piece of work deserving of admiration and should be the cornerstone by which all politicians operate.

There is another side to the story that many people don't like to address. During this particular convention I was heavily exposed to the part of politics that is just plain ugly. It seems that more people were concerned about getting their friends and family into certain positions, than having an open and honest debate about the issues that affect our nation.

I want to make this very clear. Anyone involved in my campaigns for the future, needs to be pure of heart. Too often politicians forget that they are little more than glorified servants. We are not elected to rule, but to serve. We are not here to tell you how to run your life, but to stop others from running over it. We are not here to tell you how to run your business, but to protect it from other's illegal practices.

The government is not a moral authority, but it is to abide by the morals of the nation that birthed it.

Jefferson once spoke to keeping government and taxes as simple as possible, so that any man would be able to understand it. Any man could offer insight as to how things should be done, and any man would know when those things were being done the wrong way. We have allowed our governments to become complex institutions that few without a parlimentary degree can even begin to comprehend. It is my wish to change that.

The law should be simple and clear, for that is one of the reasons we were founded.

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